Mine Rehabilitation
Vitrinite are industry leaders in the progressive and sustainable rehabilitation of the land on which we mine.
Vitrinite’s Vulcan mine was the first new coal mine in QLD approved under the Progressive Rehabilitation and Closure Plan Legislation and we are leading the way in this regard. Working closely with landowners and regulators, we are committed to returning the mined land back to previous land uses such as native vegetation and grazing land, or other suitable and productive uses, as quickly and effectively as possible.
We also see real opportunity in the rehabilitation space whereby Vitrinite can take over legacy mine affected areas in the region and expedite the sustainable rehabilitation of these land areas more effectively and cost efficiently than our larger counterparts. We want to open and close the last coal mines in QLD.

“We make commitments to the community and society to rehabilitate the mine as we progress.”
Jamey Mitchelson, General Manager Open Cut Operations of Vitrinite.