Vitrinite is committed to effectively managing the impact of our operations on the environment. We do this by looking at efficient mining methodologies and seeking feedback from local conservation groups.
Our exploration programs and mining activities operate in compliance with Environmental Authorities issued by the Queensland Department of Environment and Science, which outline the allowable extent and nature of our environmental impact. Environmental management is an important aspect of Vitrinite’s operations and we manage the impact of our mining and exploration activities by:
- Reducing vegetation clearing by prioritising pre-cleared sites and access tracks;
- Progressively rehabilitating sites as soon as possible; and
- Proactively engaging with key stakeholders including Traditional Owners, landholders and the wider community.
Plans & Management—VULCAN MINE COMPLEX
Plans & Management—VULCAN SOUTH
- Vulcan South AEMP
- GHG Abatement Plan
- Non-Mineral Waste Management Plan
- Progressive Rehabilitation and Closure Plan Schedule
- Progressive Rehabilitation and Closure Plan
- Vulcan South Blast Monitoring Program
- Vulcan South ESCP
- Vulcan South Groundwater Monitoring and Management Plan
- Vulcan South Mineral Waste Management Plan
- Vulcan South REMP
- Vulcan South Tailing and Coarse Reject Disposal Plan
- Vulcan South Water Management Plan
- Vulcan South Weed Management Plan