Vitrinite: Coal at the Core

Queensland’s Bowen Basin is renowned for its rich mineral reserves. Michael Callan, COO of Vitrinite Pty Ltd, discusses operating in the region’s coal mining space, and the company’s preparation for the future.


“We have seen some dramatic changes in recent years. Even since 2021, the price for our premium hard coke and coal per tonne has risen from US$110 to around US$645 recently, and when you compare the past to everything going on around the world at the moment – post-COVID-19, China’s ban on Australian imports and now Russia’s actions in Europe – it’s hard to read certainties in the foreseeable future.”

Michael Callan, COO of Vitrinite Pty Ltd (Vitrinite), has been with the company for three years, and has been able to witness this unique period of time in the Australian coal mining sector. 

Vitrinite is a privately owned company holding an extensive strategic coking coal tenement portfolio within Queensland’s (Australia) world-class Bowen Basin. The company’s assets are situated in close proximity to operating mines, infrastructure and proven economic resources. Vitrinite is currently focused on executing an exploration drilling and definition programme of JORC (Joint Ore Reserves Committee) resources across multiple sites, representing the next generation of premium tier one assets in Australia.

As a business Vitrinite is young and progressive, insisting on excellence in every aspect of its work and taking immense pride in the coal industry and the Australian resources sector. 

“We have worked hard as a small team to navigate the mining approval process. We hit production at an opportune time, taking some commercial risks to proceed to production quickly,” Callan says. “We are stewards of the lands and minerals we are developing, aiming to achieve out-sized returns for our shareholders and stakeholders. We embody and encourage an open and collaborative attitude, inward and outward, in our company values. 

“Vitrinite’s vision is to create value and wealth through the provision of resources to power world economic growth, exceeding and setting global best practices in every endeavour.”…

Click here to read the full article.

APAC OUTLOOK Issue #55 — View Vitrinite publication here

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