Each May, Queensland marks Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month (DFVP Month) to raise community awareness of domestic and family violence (DFV) and to send a clear message that DFV in families and homes will not be tolerated.
In its Not now, not ever report (the report), the Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland recommended that individuals, community groups and the private sector work together to help prevent DFV and support those affected.
Throughout the month Dysart Community Support Group have undertaken several initiatives to raise awareness and start conversations around these issues. We appreciate all the support we have received from local stakeholders, businesses and individuals who engaged with our International Day of Families markets stall event and competitions as well as shared our Conversation Starter morning tea packs!
Once again the Community Centre was purple throughout may in recognition of Domestic and Family Violence Prevention month. Let’s keep these conversations going all year round.
If you need support or information on how to support someone close to you please give us a call on 4958 2461 or contact DV Connect Mensline on 1800 600 636, DV Connect Womensline on 1800 811 811 or Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800. In an emergency always dial 000.
Thank you Vitrinite -Vulcan Mine for getting involved in starting conversations about respectful relationships.